Tom Gibbons Art

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Friday, September 12, 2014


Thursday, May 17, 2012

MADGOD: KickStarter

So we Launched the KickStarter Site today for MADGOD.. sweet!. so i thought i'd add to the "behind the scenes" images for people to check out. This project is like no other. It's more Alchemical, spontaneous, accidental, for better or worse it's unique. but words are boring... here's stuff to look at
sometimes my kids get trapped at the Studio while we work, Phil gives them quarters for the snack machine, and they draw...sometimes i pay them a nickel for every army man they melt !

Sunday, May 6, 2012

I am almost all the way done with "the TEST" animation. i am up to around 1400x frames without a cut. I should wrap it next weekend i hope. it is definitley the longest single shot i've ever done.

MAD GOD pt.5

Rattled off another 200 plus frames again the other weekend... i don't even remember which. The Dark Tale continues, (and when say dark i mean i can't see a thing!) it's amazing how the Digital cameras these days can shoot in virtual darkness and still get a great exposure while animating in a literal cave!

Sunday, March 25, 2012

the Minotaur: final pics

well.. not very good pics. but here are the last weeks worth of effort, painting , drying, painting, drying, etc.
String, wood, paper mache', glue, paint and wire, oh, and an unknown vertebrae, a chicken neck, and 2 dog teeth...

Fatman making pt2.

here is a more complete time-lapse of the "Fatman" sculpture

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Fat Man .pt1 time lapse

Starting a new couple sculptures. this is a time lapse of the start of making it.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Mad God : pt4

The Pit: 240x in 7hrs.... couldn't see a thing, staring into the LED light held by the puppet was like staring into that light the Eye Dr. uses to see the backside of your eyeball. ya know the one where they say, " look at my left ear and the light-bar burns into the corner of your vision and it feels like your staring just to the side of the sun on a snow pack field?
none the less the feeling of being lost in a giant cavern, slowly moving thru a curious and impossible environment was mesmerizing. the time just slipped by as frame by frame the Assassin crept forward.

the Assassin and me.

this is more like what it looked like on the Set.... DARK!

Had to go Old School and shoot using surface guages because all i could see on the Frame Grabber was 10 pixels of a white spot that was the Assassin's Torch-

Got to shoot this one with Jim Apperle!!! he did the lighting and the camera move.